Professional Services
MASTERMIND MEDIA Capabilities Statement
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System Architecture
- Systems Integration
- Enterprise Architecture
- Software Engineering
- Application Development
- Service Oriented Architecture
- Enterprise Application Integration
- Network Engineering and Operations
- Business Process Engineering
- Security Architecture
Data Interchange
- National Exchange Interface Model
- Logical Entity eXchange Specifications
- eXtensible Markup Language
- eXtensible Stylesheet Language
- XML Schema Definition
- Modeling and Simulations
- Web Services (SOAP and REST)
Database Consultant
- Oracle/SQL Server
- Data Modeling
- Extract, Transfer, Load (ETL)
- Business Analytics
- Technology Transfer
PMO Resources
- Program Management
- Integrated Master Scheduling
- Technical Business Analyst
- Workflow Optimization
- Authentication and Encryption
- Secure Socket Layer
- WS-Security
- Shared Key Encryption
- Firewall Configurations
- Identity management
- Single Sign-on
- Certification and Accreditation
- Oracle SOA Suite
- Java Messaging Service
- Message Queue
SW Development
- J2EE, .Net, other
- Requirements analysis and decomposition
- Test driven development
- UI design and development
- Portal (portlet) development
- Stored procedure design and development
- Rapid prototyping
- Agile/RAD/XP
The Mastermind Design Process is unique in its implementation. The process borrows heavily from well-established design methodologies, such as eXtreme programming (XP) and rapid application development (RAD). This concept emerged from applying the principles of business process re-engineering to the software development process. Software development is not immune to the stovepipe scenarios that other business processes experience. The typical delineations are between the functional team, the development team and the test team. There are often additional data administration teams and of course management teams.
Rapid Application Development (RAD), eXtreme Programming (XP) and Agile Software Engineering all consolidate multiple atomic development units into a single team. Tester and developer are involved in gathering the initial specifications and thereby save time when it comes to transitioning from one team to the next. In the case of eXtreme programming, exposing the development team to the tester’s expectations allows them to develop the application to meet with both the QA and functional requirements the first time.
In the case of RAD developers, have an opportunity to develop incremental mockups and prototypes during the design phase that can often expose unconsidered design problems early. The RAD methodology acknowledges the obvious (but often ignored) truth that many design problems go undetected until a tangible implementation is presented. Furthermore, the functional team may not be aware of all of their options without a material instantiation of their ideas. This creates a time honored discord, in which developers claim the functional team got what they asked for, and the functional team claims they did not get what they wanted. Mastermind Media will make sure your initiative never stumbles into that comical pitfall.
The most important design team is always the functional design team, the most important aspect of which are client participants. Throughout the development cycle, the incremental prototypes and design options should be presented to the group. Included in the technical evaluation are the risks and costs associated with different design approaches. Test script should be developed from the prototypes and mock ups. Nothing is finalized until testing begins. This offers the client the widest window for input into the design while reducing “feature creep” and cost overruns.